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日本をダメにした10のワイン コルク

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ロマネコンティ モンラッシェ 1996 液面コルク下3cm ラベル不良 ドメーヌ ド ラ ロマネ コンティ DRC Montrachet フランス ブルゴーニュ 白ワイン[のこり1本]

生産者ドメーヌ ド ラ ロマネ コンティDRCワイン名モンラッシェMontrachetヴィンテージ1996容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: 96点予想される飲み頃:2004 - 2016The Domaine de la Romanee-Conti's light-colored 1996 Montrachet is spectacular (it was originally rated 95-98 in The Wine Advocate's Issue #115). Its profound, rich, and embracing nose reveals toasted minerals, white fruits, and hints of lemons. On the palate it displays enormous complexity, a broad, layered core of tropical fruits (mostly mangoes), liquid minerals, and stones. It is terribly refined, bracing, satin textured, medium-to-full-bodied, and mind-blowingly long in the finish. Its tightly wound core of fruit will require extended cellaring to blossom and reveal all of what this glorious wine has to offer. Projected maturity: 2004-2016.(123, The Wine Advocate, 21st Jun 1999)

Price 商品価格 3,080,000円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ ロマネ ROMANEE

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